martes, 5 de junio de 2018

Miguel Angel Martínez Zarco

10 things that I like

1.     I like to listen to romantic music.
2.     I like the nature.
3.     I like people who protect animals.
4.     I like playing whith children.
5.     I like woman who cares about her inner beauty.
6.     I like and love my job.
7.     I like the city which I file.
8.     I like high school online.
9.     I like cooking my wife.
10.                        I like dedication of teachers towarol students.

10 things that I dont like or dislike

1)    I dislike the reggaetón.
2)    I dislike people who mistreat animals.
3)    I dislike hipocrisy.
4)    I dislike enuy.
5)    I dislike war.
6)    I dislike people who do not work.
7)    I dislike the mistreatment of nature.
8)    I dislike racism.
9)    I dislike inequality.
10)                      I dislike misrule.

Me caigo: me levanto… me equivoco: aprendo… me hieren: pero sigo vivo… soy un ser humano; no soy perfecto… ¡¡pero cada día mejoro más!!  

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