sábado, 9 de junio de 2018

Proyecto integrador

1.       What are your personal goals?

a)      Continue to study each day in order to become a better person in all aspects.
b)      Find the opportunity to enter a better job, that to have a better quality of life.
What are your future plans about your studies?

a)      First conclude with the school to improve my working conditions.
b)      Then enter a higher level in my case I want to continue studying everything related to education.
2.       hat are your future plans about your family?

a)      chieve consolidation in the business that we have undertaken, this to improve the quality of life in the family.
b)      Try to have a financial support which will help us to be well and likewise to travel within our Mexican republic itself for me is the most beautiful.

3.       What are you going to do to be healthier?

a)      Practice in the sport that pleases me... in my case I run an average of 5km a day.
b)      Encourage the whole family and personally a healthy diet.

4.       Write one goal you wish to achieve in the next five years.

The main thing is to finish level studies degree or at least be in the race.

5.       What will you do to achieve that goal?

Well for starters I have to work much more towards studies prepa online, now my time is limited... but I'll find a way to give more time to improve the quality of my work further.

Enjoy the little things in life, one day you'll realize that were it

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