lunes, 11 de junio de 2018

Tell me…

1.      What do you know about the celebration of the Day of the Dead, you remember when I was little, as it celebrated?

2.      Do you remember the day I first attended a cemetery to mourn someone's day of the dead, remembers her age?

3.      Do you remember the first time I visit the cemetery to celebrate this day, he was afraid?

4.      In your people all families celebrate the Day of the Dead or just some?

5.      Do you know if this celebration also celebrated with the same enthusiasm throughout the republic?

6.      Do you remember how adorned his home community and your neighbors and your family?

7.      In families decorate their community especially for this celebration the graves of their loved ones, the Pantheon and his house; such as with shredded paper, food toys, etc .; They dress up an outfit special?

8.      How adorn the altars of their beings and finados?

9.      When was you child what they liked best of this festival, do you remember if he wore an outfit special?

10.  Do you remember a time when as a child placed in the home offering the rich pan de muerto, amaranth skulls, the necks, etc.?

No one is bigger occupies more space ... But he who leaves empty in his absence

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